Services and Resources

Learning Resources Center/Library

Library Mission Statement

The mission of the library of Northeast Alabama Community College is to provide for the students, faculty, and staff of the College, the personnel, services, information resources and facilities to support, sustain and enrich the educational purposes, programs, and curriculum of Northeast Alabama Community College.

Embracing the College’s open doorpolicy, the library of Northeast Alabama Community College and itresources are available to members of the community.

Library Hours

7:30 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Friday

Library Personnel

Professional librarians and other qualified library staff are available to assist NACC employees and students. Library staff may be reached in person or via email, phone, or via chat or text (using the text-a-librarian service).

Library Access

NACC employees and students should use their NACC-issued photo ID cards to check out physical items as well as OverDrive eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines. NACC employees and students should use their MyNACC sign-on credentials to access library databases and EBSCO Discovery Services.

Library Collection/Resources

Library resources include print resources such as books, magazines, and journals, as well as electronic resources such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, and electronic magazines, journals, newspaper articles and videos.

The library’s collection is built on faculty recommendations. Faculty use and familiarity are encouraged in order that students in turn may benefit totally from the collection for their own study and research. Requests or suggestions for purchase should be submitted in writing to a library faculty or staff member. A current list of faculty requests for the purchase of materials is maintained at the library. As funds become available, the requested materials are considered for purchase.

When making suggestions for purchase, please remember that the NACC Library adheres to the following guidelines established by the American Library Association

  • Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  • Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

A complete version of the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights may be found on the ALwebsite at

Interlibrary Loan

As a member of Library Management Network (LMN), NACC has access to the library collections of the following institutions:

  • Gadsden State Community College
  • Snead State Community College

Employees may borrow books and articles from the above-mentioned libraries or from other libraries via the interlibrary loan (ILL). For assistance, please contact a library faculty or staff member.

Research Guides

Research Guides – Librarians have created subject-specific research guides with curated books, eBooks, open-educational resources, databases, and other resources. They have also created user-friendly URLs. An example is

Audiovisual Services and Equipment

Audiovisual materials are available in the library. Any faculty member may check out portable equipment for classroom use. In order to ensure equal access of equipment to all faculty members, audiovisual equipment should be returned to the library within two weeks.

The Multimedia Rooms (Rooms 101 and 102) may be scheduled for the use of classes or individual students to view videos/DVDs, PowerPoint presentations, internet sites, and other audiovisual materials. They may also be scheduled for use by College employees for special events, committee meetings, etc. Employees who wish to schedule the use of these rooms should contact the head librarian or other library staff.

Use of the Library for Assignments

The NACC Library encourages faculty members to make assignments that promote student use of the library.

The NACC Library adheres to the American Association of Community College’s Position Statement oInformation Literacy, part of which follows:

An important element of both teaching and learning in today’s information age is information literacy – the set of skills needed to find, access, retrieve, analyze, synthesize, and use information effectively and ethically. Information literacy, which encompasses information fluency and information technology mastery, is critical to success in higher education and lifelong learning.

Community college students must be information literate learners who can:

  • determine the extent of information needed;
  • access needed information effectively and efficiently;
  • evaluate information and its sources critically;
  • incorporate selected information into their own knowledge base;
  • use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
  • understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information; and
  • access and use information ethically.

Source: A complete version of the Position Statement on Information Literacy may be found on the

AACC’s website at

In order to ensure that classes have a productive and positive experience in the library, faculty should call or email library personnel to schedule library orientation or research time prior to bringing a class to the library. Scheduling will help ensure that enough library faculty and staff members are available to assist each class.


Supplies needed for regular office and classroom functioning may be requisitioned by individuals, offices, or divisions in the same manner as listed in the Purchasing Procedures.

Toner cartridges for laser printers are provided through a vendor print management contract. Information from the affixed sticker located on the printer is to be used for ordering purposes and will be charged to the respective office or division when ordered. Purchases are subject to budget constraints.

All personnel are urged to be conservative in their use of supplies. Questions regarding securing needed supplies may be directed to immediate supervisors, division directors, program coordinators, appropriate dean, or the Business Office.


Personnel may purchase items for their offices through the College bookstore by using Textbooks, Etc. Department Requisition form, available in the bookstore.

Copying and Printing

A copier is located in the Wallace Administration Building. This machine is for the use of employees in duplication necessary for instruction and other college work. All personnel are urged to be conservative in the use of photocopiers. Copies made for personal use must be identified in the log kept in the copier room. These copies are billed monthly to the respective individuals.

Maintenance Services

Repairs, adjustments of furniture or equipment, and janitorial needs should be reported on a Maintenance Request form and sent to the Director of the Physical Plant, with a copy to the President. This form is available on the NACC Forms webpage. Employees should submit these forms well in advance of the requested service when possible. Anything needing immediate attention, such as water leaks or electrical issues, should be reported to the Director of the Physical Plant by phone as well.

Food Services

College Café is located in the north side of the NACC Student Center in the dining area. Meals, short-order items, and snacks are offered, and it is open to personnel, students, and visitors. The cafeteria is independently managed.

Notary Public

A Notary public is located on campus. This service is free for employees for college-related business only. Contact the Human Resources Director for the current notary public location(s).

Use of Facilities

Institutional Use. Faculty groups or student groups sponsored by employees may use facilities of the College by seeking approval from the Dean of Instruction and the President. The Activity Request form, available on the NACC Forms webpage, in the mail room, or from the Office of the Dean of Instruction, is used for making the request.

Civic and community groups to which faculty or staff members belong hold meetings occasionally on campus. Personnel should obtain approval for such meetings, using the Activity Request form. Events should be scheduled as far in advance as possible to avoid conflicts. A Calendar of Events is maintained on the College website.

Non-institutional Use. The temporary use of space or equipment for non-institutional purposes may be approved by the President or a designee; however, institutional needs shall supersede all others. To request the use of college facilities for non-institutional purposes, an Activity Request form must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Instruction. The responsibility for damage shall be assumed by the user. Adequate liability insurance carried by the user may be required by the College prior to the event naming the College as an additional insured.The use of facilities shall be compatible with the philosophy, functions, and objectives of the College. (ACCS Board Policy 512.01, May 22, 2008)

Computer Priority and Availability

Personal computer facilities are provided to each employee as deemed necessary by the position. Each administrative office has its own personal computer systems which are utilized only by personnel within that office. In addition, computer labs with personal computing equipment and computer-based student testing labs are available throughout campus. Wireless internet access is available throughout campus, both indoors and outdoors.

Public computer and internet access is available in the Learning Resources Center. Access to academic and administrative computing facilities is not available to anyone who is neither an employee nor an active student except by express written permission of the President.

Using any computer or information technology resource of Northeast Alabama Community College signifies that the user agrees to comply with the following NACC policies:

  • Computer Technology Acceptable Use Policy;
  • Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policy; and

Wireless Internet Access Policy.