Salary Supplements

The President may designate supplements as established in the Board of Trustee’s approved salary schedules for extra duty pay and may designate additional supplements based on unique and compelling circumstances, subject to the Chancellor’s written approval. Additional supplements awarded without prior written approval from the Chancellor will be deemed invalid and subject to return.

The President may designate a chairperson of a department or division having three or more full-time faculty members, with the department chairperson being counted as one of the three. A monthly salary supplement shall be paid to division directors, based on the current amount indicated on the applicable salary schedule.

The President may designate one full-time professional staff member in the library as head librarian. Only one person may be designated as head librarian at any institution. A monthly salary supplement shall be paid to head librarians, based on the current amount indicated on the applicable salary schedule.

The President may designate one individual paid from Salary Schedule B to be in charge in the absence of the President. A salary supplement of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) annually shall be paid to that person (Board Policy 606.05, 04/10/2019).

Additional salary supplements may be awarded by the President due to unique and compelling circumstances, subject to approval by the Chancellor.