Program Advisory Committees

The College is required by Alabama Community College System policy to establish a Program Advisory Committee for each career and technical program. Program Advisory Committee membership include the following: President (ex officio), Dean of Instruction and/or Dean of Workforce Development and Skills Training, Program Coordinator/instructors, and, as appropriate, representatives from the community service sector, business and industry, economic development authorities, and chambers of commerce. Each member should be able to provide expertise to the program and employment assistance to graduates. Members of each committee must be approved by the President. Membership lists and meeting minutes must be made available upon request by the Chancellor.

Advanced Design and Manufacturing Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Advanced Design and Manufacturing (ADM) Advisory Committee is to assist in attaining the goals and objectives of the drafting and design technology program.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their competencies and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the ADM program in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess the needs of the program as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the ADM program within the community.

3. Promote and support the ADM program throughout the community and across the state.

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes, and/or
    redirection to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Building Construction Advisory Committee


The Building Construction Advisory Committee provides a means through which local industry leaders may provide input into the development and evaluation of the program.


Membership consists of local industry leaders. 


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets at least once annually.

Business Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Business Program Advisory Committee is to assist in attaining the goals and objectives of the business programs.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their competencies and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the business programs in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess the needs of the programs as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the business programs within the community.

3. Promote and support the associate degree business programs throughout the community and across the state.

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes and/or redirection to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Child Development Advisory Committee


The Child Development Program Advisory Committee provides a means through which childcare practitioners may invest in the development and evaluation of the child development program.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their expertise and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the program in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess curriculum to assure relevance within the childcare community.

2. Identify ways to improve the program.

3. Promote and support the program throughout the community and across the state.

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes and/or redirection to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Computer Science Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Computer Science Advisory Committee is to assist in attaining the goals and objectives of the computer science program.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their competencies and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the computer science program in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess the needs of the programs as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the computer science program within the community.

3. Promote and support the associate degree and certificate programs throughout the community and
    across the state.

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes and/or redirection
    to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Criminal Justice Advisory Committee


The Criminal Justice Program Advisory Committee provides a means through which law enforcement practitioners may invest in the development and evaluation of the criminal justice program.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their expertise and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the program in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Committee is to provide a means of input by the local emergency services community into the development and evaluation of the EMS program. 


Membership consists of stakeholders in the area.


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets at least once annually.

Industrial Electronics Technology (Mechatronics) Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Industrial Electronics Technology Advisory Committee is to assist in attaining the goals and objectives of the program.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their competencies and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the program in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess the needs of the program as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the program within the community.

3. Promote and support the program throughout the community and across the state.

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes, and/or
    redirection to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Industrial Systems Technology Advisory Committee


The Industrial Systems Technology Advisory Committee provides a means through which local industry leaders may provide input into the development and evaluation of the industrial systems technology program.


Membership consists of local industry leaders. 


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets at least once annually.

Machine Tool Technology Advisory Committee


The Machine Tool Technology Advisory Committee provides a means through which local industry leaders may provide input into the development and evaluation of the program.


Membership consists of local industry leaders in the machine tool trade.


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets at least once annually.

Medical Assistant Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Medical Assistant Advisory Committee is to give ideas and suggestions to the medical assistant program to assist in attaining a program that meets the needs of the community.


The committee consists of individuals, including professionals, who have an interest in the medical community and can help facilitate the medical assistant program in meeting the needs of the area.


1. Assess the needs of the program as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the medical assistant program.

3. Make recommendations and suggestions for improvement or redirection to meet community needs.

4. Promote and support the medical assistant program throughout the community.

5. Suggest and make recommendations for community resources available to the program as preceptor
    sites for program.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Nursing Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Nursing Advisory Committee is to assist in attaining the goals and objectives of the Associate Degree and Practical Nursing programs.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their competencies and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the nursing programs in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess the needs of the programs as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the nursing programs within the community.

3. Promote and support the Associate Degree Nursing program and Practical Nursing program  
    throughout the community and across the state.

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes and/or redirection
    to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Office Administration Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Office Administration (OAD) Advisory Committee is to assist in attaining the goals and objectives of the OAD programs.


Membership consists of individuals from the service area of the College who have made their competencies and resources available to facilitate the efforts of the OAD programs in meeting the needs of the community.


1. Assess the needs of the programs as identified by the community.

2. Identify the goals of the OAD programs within the community.

3. Promote and support the associate degree OAD programs throughout the community and across the 

4. Evaluate recommendations and innovative ideas for program improvement, changes and/or redirection
    to meet community needs.


The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.

Salon & Spa Management Advisory Committee


The Salon & Spa Management Advisory Committee provides a means through which stakeholders may provide input into the development and evaluation of the program.


Membership consists of stakeholders in the area.


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets at least once annually.

Welding Advisory Committee


The Welding Advisory Committee provides a means through which local industry leaders may provide input into the development and evaluation of the welding program.


Membership consists of local industry leaders. 


1. Assure the relevance of the program and curriculum to local industry.

2. Assure the quality of the educational program through external review.

3. Promote and support the program in the community.


The committee meets at least once annually.