Professional Development

Individual personnel are to take the initiative in promoting their own professional growth. For faculty, advancement in graduate and post-graduate education is recognized by the faculty salary schedule. Employees are encouraged to affiliate with professional organizations, attend professional meetings, and take additional coursework when possible. Employees may apply for leave with pay to attend conferences or workshops related to their area of expertise and assignment. Employees can be approved for up to 10 days of external professional development activities per leave year. Professional development above this amount can only be approved with written permission by the Chancellor.

All instructors must establish annual professional development objectives intended to enhance student learning outcomes. These objectives are submitted to the appropriate dean, division director, or program coordinator at the beginning of the academic year.

The College specifies days for campus in-service/professional development opportunities. The college Professional Development Committee suggests professional development activities to the administration and plans and coordinates approved activities.

Personnel should submit professional activities forms to the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment upon completion of professional activities. This information is reported annually in the Information on Fulfillment of the Mission.