Committee Descriptions

Admissions Committee

The Admissions Committee reviews the qualifications of applicants who need further clarification for admission (non-accredited schools, appeals of suspension, etc.). The Admissions Committee meets periodically to review admission forms, standards, and procedures; additional meetings are called as needed. This committee is chaired by the Dean of Student Services.

Advising Committee

The Advising Committee coordinates efforts to ensure that every academic advisor is knowledgeable, equipped, and available to most effectively assist students with setting and achieving their academic and career goals. The committee meets as needed.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee coordinates student awards and the presentation of awards. The committee meets as needed.

Campus Beautification Committee

The Campus Beautification Committee develops and reviews plans to enhance the appearance of the campus. The committee meets as needed.

Campus Safety and Security Committee

The purpose of the Campus Safety and Security Committee is as follows:

  • To assure that appropriate health and safety standards are maintained
  • To assure that appropriate federal and state statutes are observed
  • To provide periodic review of the comprehensive campus safety plan and its implementation
  • To maintain strategic plans for campus security

The committee meets as needed.

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee works with the Dean of Instruction to maintain a curriculum that will meet student needs and comply with accreditation requirements, articulation guidelines, and relevant business and industry standards. The committee hears applications for course or program additions to or removals from the Curriculum and meets at least once each semester. The committee chair or the Dean of Instruction may call additional meetings as needed.

Developmental Studies

The Developmental Studies Committee works with the Curriculum Committee and the Dean of Instruction to evaluate and strengthen developmental programs. The committee monitors and may recommend adjustments to the processes of student assessment and placement for developmental studies. The committee meets as needed.

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee establishes guidelines for discipline and considers discipline for students whose behavior is not conducive to an effective learning environment or is out of compliance with College rules or policies. The committee meets as needed. Due process procedures are followed in any case of disciplinary action.

Distance Education Committee

The Distance Education Committee formulates institutional policy regarding distance education and makes those policy recommendations to the President. The committee stays informed of the policies of the Alabama Community College Board of Trustees and SACSCOC requirements and suggests institutional distance education policy revisions to the President. The committee meets as needed.

Diversity Committee

The Diversity committee coordinates efforts to increase minority populations as identified through institutional effectiveness processes. The committee meets as needed.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Committee

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Committee monitors and promotes compliance with PL 101-226. The committee meets as needed.

Enrollment Management Committee

The Enrollment Management Committee seeks ways to strengthen student retention and student success. The committee meets as needed.

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council facilitates communication between the College faculty and administration, provides an orderly basis for conducting faculty business, and ascertains faculty viewpoints and recommendations on matters which involve or affect faculty members or instructional programs. Membership consists of nine elected members: five full-time faculty, two adjunct faculty, and two Division Directors. Faculty members (including Division Directors) are elected annually and serve for one year. The Faculty Council meets semiannually, during the fall and spring semesters, with additional meetings as needed, and follows established bylaws.

Financial Aid Appeals Committee

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee reviews financial aid appeals. The committee meets as needed.

Flower Fund Committee

The Flower Fund Committee arranges for floral remembrances or other memorials to be provided upon the death of an active or retired employee or a member of an active employees immediate family on behalf of College personnel. The committee meets annually to assess the status of the fund and to advise personnel of needed contributions.

Friends and Alumni Committee

The purpose of the Friends and Alumni Committee is to develop an alumni organization and activities in order to recognize the accomplishments of Northeast alumni and to encourage and facilitate alumni efforts to enhance the resources, programs, and services of the College. The committee meets as needed.

Graduation Ceremony Committee

The Graduation Ceremony Committee directs graduation exercises and activities. The committee meets as needed.

Institutional Effectiveness Committee

The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is to develop and review measures for assessing the effectiveness of Northeast Alabama Community College in the fulfillment of its stated mission. Chaired by the Director of Institutional Planning and Assessment and the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison, the committee meets as needed and reports to the President.

Institutional Management and Planning Committee

The Institutional Management and Planning Committee works with the President to develop institutional plans in areas of program development and review, accreditation, instructional and learning resources, student services, public relations, economic development, management information, personnel, physical plant care and development, resource allocation and financial management, administration, and institutional effectiveness. As part of the planning process, the committee reviews the College mission statement annually and conducts a more extensive review in alternating years. The President serves as chair; the Director of Institutional Planning and Assessment and SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison serves as coordinator. The committee meets at least once per year to effect institutional planning. Additional meetings may be called by the President.

Learning Resources Committee

The purpose of the Learning Resources Committee is to ensure that the library and its facilities are available for maximum use by students, faculty, and administration. The committee develops and recommends to the Dean of Instruction guidelines for the operation of the Learning Resources Center, including hours of service and broad budgetary needs. The committee encourages instructors to request materials that fulfill the needs in the various disciplines and to encourage their use by students. The committee includes Learning Resources Center personnel and representation from the various curricular disciplines of the College. Implementation of the guidelines established by the committee is the responsibility of the Head Librarian. The Committee meets as needed.

Presidents Cup Committee

The Presidents Cup Committee recommends three nominees to the President for final selection of the recipient of the Presidents Cup award, then selects one of the two runners up as the recipient of the James B. Allen Award. The committee meets as needed.

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee makes suggestions for professional development and in-service workshops and plans such activities when appropriate, meeting as needed.

Quality Enhancement Plan Oversight Committee

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Oversight Committee oversees the College’s implementation of the current QEP and prepares the QEP Impact Report for SACSCOC’s Fifth-Year Interim Report. The Committee meets as needed.

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committee coordinates recruiting efforts and seeks ways and means of strengthening those efforts. The committee meets as needed.

Registered Nursing/Licensed Practical Nursing Selection Committee

The purpose of the Registered Nursing/Licensed Practical Nursing Selection Committee is two-fold: (1) to make recommendations to the President for approval of any institutional policy decisions in the selection process; (2) using selection criteria established by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees and, when appropriate, College policy, to yearly select students for the Registered Nursing and Licensed Practical Nursing programs.

Retirement Committee

The Retirement Committee establishes guidelines for honoring retiring personnel, oversees the retirement fund, and plans and coordinates social events to honor retirees.

SACSCOC Accreditation Leadership Team

The SACSCOC Accreditation Leadership Team monitors institutional compliance with the SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement and oversees the decennial reaffirmation process and the fifth-year interim review. Membership should, at a minimum, include the President, the Dean of Instruction, the Dean of Student Services, the accreditation liaison, and at least one faculty member. The committee meets as needed.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee recommends to the President the appropriate distribution and awards of all institutionally-controlled scholarship and financial aid resources. The committee also coordinates the selection of recipients for available scholarships to transfer institutions. The committee meets as needed.

Sick Leave Bank Committee

The Sick Leave Bank Committee coordinates implementation of the guidelines of the Bank and reviews applications for the loan of sick leave. Membership is comprised of four participating members elected annually by participating members and one additional member, either the President or the Presidents designee. The Dean of Financial Services and the Human Resources Director serve as resource persons for the committee. The Sick Leave Bank Committee meets semiannually, during the fall and spring semesters, with additional meetings as needed.

Social Committee

The Social Committee plans and coordinates social occasions for personnel. Participation in such occasions is voluntary. The committee meets as needed.

Strategic Analysis Team

The Strategic Analysis Team recommends the manner in which the College utilizes Career and TechnicaEducation Basic Grant funds.

Student Services Committee

The Student Services Committee seeks enhancement of student services. Responsibilities include guidance and supervision of student entertainment functions. The Committee also makes recommendations concerning student organizations and student grievances as needed. The committee meets as needed.

Technology Application Committee

The purpose of the Technology Application Committee is to coordinate efforts to prepare faculty for the integration of technology into the curriculum and to promote a student-learning environment that assists and encourages technological skills. The committee meets as needed.

Website and Social Media Committee

The Website and Social Media Committee oversees College web page development and social media availability. The committee meets annually, with additional meetings as needed.