The college requires all full-time and part-time employees to participate in professional development through specific training sessions. All personnel must participate in mandatory annual Campus Save Act/VAWA and sexual harassment prevention training (Board Police 601.04, 11/10/2020). Instructions on how to access the training and specific completion deadlines are issued to employees by the President.
Upon hire, new employees are required to complete ethics training through the Alabama Ethics Commission website and present a certificate of completion for inclusion in their personnel file. Occasionally, the President may require all employees to complete ethics training as a refresher.
Employees designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) are required to complete CSA training annually. Additionally, the College offers a variety of training sessions during fall, spring, and summer in-service. As needed, the President or Chancellor may assign specific groups or individuals to complete other types of training throughout the year. Training sessions are held periodically across the state on software implementation and topics and issues important to certain positions. Employees are expected to attend these when possible.