
Direct Communications with Administrative Officers

Administrative offices are open to direct communications with all employees. Although an employee should work with and through the immediate supervisor on matters pertaining to the department, division, or office, many incidental problems or questions may be handled effectively by direct, informal communication. NACC organizational charts, published on the College website, delineate the appropriate chain of command.

Adjunct faculty and staff members should feel free to address a relevant office directly whenever necessary. The Office of the President and other administrative offices are open to all personnel should any problem arise that they would like to discuss.

Quick Reference for Questions or Issues
Question/Issue Contact
Course syllabi Division Director, Program Coordinator, Appropriate Dean, and/or Associate Dean of Instruction
Class schedules and assignments
Classroom assignments
Faculty absences
Textbook selection and ordering
Instructional program in general
Distance education instruction
Curricular changes Division Director, Program Coordinator, and/or Curriculum Committee, along with the appropriate Dean, Dean of Instruction
Technology assistance/repairs Office of Educational Technology
Use of technology in instruction Director of Educational Technology, Student and Faculty Technology Learning Center and/or Faculty Technology Committee
Equipment & supplies Dean of Financial Services
Group insurance
Printing and duplicating services
Use of College vehicles
Registration and student records
Tax Information
Janitorial and maintenance services Director, Physical Plant (Service Request form)
Heating and cooling
Repairs to physical plant facilities and equipment
Admissions Dean of Student Services
Student activities
Student situations requiring specialized counseling or advising
Dual enrollment
Student financial aid Director of Financial Aid
Student loans
Student work-study services
College services during evening hours Associate Dean of Instruction
Human Resources Human Resources Director
Title IX


All employees of the College should have an active college email account. Email addresses are assigned upon hire when the Human Resources Director or other designee sends a request to the Office of Educational Technology Support. A campus email directory is available on the College website. Most employee email addresses use the following format:

Memoranda and other internal notices are issued frequently via email. It is important that all personnel check their email accounts on their assigned duty days. In addition to network access on campus, email accounts may be accessed online via the MyNACC portal on NACC website.

Email messages to be sent campus wide to all personnel and/or to all students should be sent to the addresses and, respectively. These are routed to email moderators and will be released once approved by either the President or the Dean of Instruction.


Mailboxes for faculty and staff are located in the Business Office. Incoming mail is received at the Rainsville post office and delivered to the boxes daily when the College is open. College business outgoing mail may be deposited in the drop box located on the mailbox wall. Mail is typically collected around 2:15 p.m. daily to deliver to the Rainsville post office.

Memoranda and other internal notices are often placed in mailboxes. It is important that all personnel check their mailboxes on their assigned duty days.


SchoolCast is a mass notification system comprised of email, voice, and text messaging designed to send emergency messages to students and personnel quickly. This system supplements the indoor/outdoor intercom system located throughout campus. College personnel and students may subscribe to alerts via three methods: voice messages to multiple phone numbers, text messages to multiple cell phone numbers, and email messages to multiple email addresses.

Press Releases

All news releases or articles pertaining to Northeast Alabama Community College should be sent to the Director of Promotions and Marketing for release to the respective newspapers. The Director of Promotions and Marketing reserves the right to edit and/or correct any information submitted. Any deadlines for submission, if known, should be clearly noted on each article. Photography to accompany articles may be requested of the Director of Promotions and Marketing. All College advertisements will be prepared in the office of the Director of Promotions and Marketing. Press releases and advertisements for the College are subject to review and approval by the President.

Telephone and Fax Services

All full-time professional employees have an assigned phone extension. Adjunct employees who work on the College campus have an assigned voicemail number. Assistance with the telephone system is provided by the Office of Educational Technology Support. Fax services are available through the Business Office.


  1. Policy guidelines for official College web publications

    The Northeast Alabama Community College is a State institution, and College web publications have the same character as a written publication of the institution. These web publications include division, department, or program sub-web pages and Facebook and other social networking pages that in any way represent or reflect upon the College. The following are the official guidelines for the Northeast Alabama Community College web sites and Internet-related material.

    All web content published by Northeast Alabama Community College must:
  • be approved by the Office of the President or designee;
  • present content that describes the College accurately for the current semester;
  • reflect positively upon the College as an institution of higher learning in visual appearance and editorial tone;
  • further the institutional mission and goals of the College;
  • be consistent with all policies, rules, regulations, and guidelines of the College, including but not limited to those published in the Catalog, Employee Handbook, and ACCS Board Policy;
  • obtain approval through the appropriate college channels for any news releases or public announcements;  
  • be consistent with local, state, and federal laws, including copyright law;
  • be consistent with principles of professional, educational, and creative ethics;
  • be generated by software supported by the College;
  • be designed to load quickly on computers of varied ages, Internet connections, and browsers.
  1. Web content outside official College web publications

    The College recognizes that individuals or groups may, without the consent or authority of the College, establish web pages, weblogs, social network accounts, or other web presences. The College will not preview, censor, or otherwise superintend such items. Any current student or current employee who establishes or maintains an unofficial web presence will, however, be subject to appropriate discipline if web content therein is in violation of the policy, rules, regulations, or guidelines of the College, and said web presence must display in a prominent and appropriate location the following:

    This site does not officially represent Northeast Alabama Community College, and it has not been reviewed or approved by the College. The authors are solely responsible for the contents herein.

  2. Enforcement
    The College reserves the right to enforce the provisions of this policy. Violations of any of these provisions may result in the loss of access or linkage without notice. In addition, students and employees are subject to College policies regarding discipline and sanctions.